Bruise Juice Salve
Discover your reason for using the Bruise Juice Salve!
Insect bites
Burns, including sunburns
Bumps & Bruises
Myalgia (muscle pain)
Dermal inflammation
Muscle sprains and/or ligaments
Arthritis & Gout
Joint stiffness
Slow-healing wounds
- Neuropathy
- Just to name a few!
External use only. Avoid contact with eyes. Apply to skin as needed. Do not apply to open wounds or broken skin. Avoid during pregnancy. Avoid everyday use when taking blood-thinning medication.
Hand-made in small batches using only the very best ingredients.
Organic Arnica Arnica montana , Organic Comfrey Symphytum officinale, Organic St Johns Wort Hypericum perforatum Chamomile (Roman) Chamaemelum nobile, Lavender Lavandula angustifolia